Le préci-disques est un outil composé de deux sarcloirs et deux disques protèges plants pour des désherbages de précision sur le rang.
If your weeding has to be precise at a distance of less than 4 centimetres from young seedlings, the preci-discs are the ideal solution!
We designed this tool for hoeing around young carrot seedlings 3 weeks after sowing.
The two discs, in addition to the beetroot covering blades, are designed to:
- Reduce the scattering of soil on the row.
Improve and facilitate the guiding of the two-wheel hoe.
- Manage the working depth with the 3 available positions.
Make a clean cut along the strip of earth where the young sprouts are growing.
NB: beyond 5 centimetres of growth, the preci-discs will tend to cut some of the crop's leaves, in which case it is preferable to use the Terrateck Lelievre blades.